Course Catalog » Languages


Spanish 1 introduces students to the target language and its culture. The student will develop communicative skills in all 3 modes of communication and cross-cultural understanding. Emphasis is placed on proficient communication in the language. An introduction to reading and writing is also included as well as culture, connections, comparisons, and communities.

Spanish 2 reinforces the fundamental skills acquired by the students in Spanish 1. The course develops increased listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills as well as cultural awareness. Specific content to be covered is a continuation of listening and oral skills acquired in Spanish 1. Reading and writing receive more emphasis, while oral communication remains the primary objective. The cultural survey of the target language-speaking people is continued.

Spanish 3 provides mastery and expansion of skills acquired by the students in Spanish. Specific content includes, but is not limited to, expansions of vocabulary and conversational skills through discussions of selected readings. Contemporary vocabulary stresses activities that are important to the everyday life of the target language-speaking people.

Spanish 4 expands the skills acquired by the students in Spanish 3. Specific content includes, but is not limited to, more advanced language structures and idiomatic expressions, with emphasis on conversational skills. There is additional growth in vocabulary for practical purposes, including writing. Reading selections are varied and taken from the target language newspapers, magazines, and literary works.

Spanish 5 expands the skills acquired by students in Spanish 4. Specific content to be covered includes, but is not limited to, developing presentational speaking skills through oral reports on literary and cultural topics, current events, and personal experiences. Reading selections include newspaper and magazine articles, adaptations of short stories and plays, and surveys of target language literature. Interpretive writing is enhanced through compositions using correct language structures.